4. Listen to Children

Listen to the children

Children are born pure spiritual beings. They arrive from source, from light. Perhaps we could say that they are enlightened beings. They bring with them all the love and wisdom from our ancestors. If you have ever sat silently with a baby (pre-speech) you can feel this. What is it? I think it is pure spirit. It is the most fantastic experience. That is why families like to meet a new baby, why we like to hold a baby, why they are passed around because when they are passed from uncle to grandmother, they are in reality spreading the news, that they are back and they are bringing love.

Children are clairvoyant until they are three years of age. I was told this by Peter Aziz, a hereditary shaman, but I know this because I experienced it. I will only write about what I know. When we read a novel or watch a film, we are able to suspend our disbeliefs (our critical faculties), and believe something surreal. Children on the other hand cannot. In the Montessori approach to learning, children should only watch animation or read fiction once their big teeth have come in, because only when they are five or six years of age, are they able to differentiate between make-believe, and what is real. I have difficulty suspending my disbelief when I am watching a film. If I am scared or uncomfortable with the subject matter, I often have to turn down the volume, or leave the room.

If children are listened to by non-judgmental parents, then there is much to be learned on both sides. Up until the age of five, if they see a green monster in telly, and then see a green monster in their bedroom, both experiences are truly terrifying and no parent is going to believe that there is indeed a demon on the ceiling if it fits with something they have just read or watched. As a parent, that’s a huge mistake to make. Listen to your children. If they are scared, find out what is frightening them because it could well be a real phenomenon. Don’t indulge them, but listen with an open mind. Oh really, where did you see /hear that? Is it still there? Can you still hear it? If they can, remove them from the situation, or sleep in the same room.


The reason for children being able to see things that we cannot, is that they do not have auric protection as adults do. They are vulnerable. I am not trying to frighten. I am trying to wake-up people to the supernatural world. If we do not believe our children, or accept that we can only see a small percent of the visual spectrum, we are choosing to live, quite literally in the dark. We need to stop beleiving that because we cannot see, what children and shamans see – that nothing else exists. If your child is having night terrors, or repetitive nightmares, either put them in a different room, stay with them, and ask for help from a Chaplin or pay an exorcist. The amount of fear you invest in this can hinder you. If you are too scared to ask for help, then everyone in your family will suffer. As adults, we are here to protect and love children. It is a crucial role. If you are terrified, you need to take back your power by confronting whatever it is that is causing unease, and instruct them to get out of your house. To use clichés – stand tall, take deep breaths, learn how to ground yourself, repeat the Lord ’s Prayer (or whatever is your natural inclination, or true religion). Prayer is wonderfully effective. It calms us, protects and helps to create an atmosphere of reason where before there was panic.

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