2. The Problem with Fairies, Elves and Angels

The problem about fairies, elves or angels is that at some point, one has to consider the other side. Evil entities. Most people would rather not think about those things. However, to deny their existence is very dangerous, and makes hypocrites of all parents who make their children believe in Father Christmas, Jack Frost or the Sleep Fairy. We bring up our children to believe in lies, and then wonder why they are angry at the system that has procured them, and why there are disillusioned, or depressed as teenagers. Then we are upset when our children do not respect us, or listen to us.

Can we all honestly say that we listened and believed our children, when they were scared in the middle of the night, when they were going to sleep, when they said they felt something crawl on them, or move around in their head, or worse, hurt them? We must listen to our children, for they are our barometers. I was not that worried, or concerned about the supernatural in my life, until it started to affect my daughter.

It was only then, when after doing shamanic banishing rituals, casting circles, and drawing pentagrams in the air, and saying the Lord’s Prayer that I became truly angry, frustrated and frightened. It was only when my daughter reached the age of about three that I swallowed my pride, admitted that I did not know everything, and reached out to a Priest.

This is the second greatest misconception that I had, (the first being that I was OK, knew almost all there was to know about the supernatural, and could protect myself) that someone of the cloth would not understand me.

The apprehension I felt when I approached the Priest (who fortunately was my next-door neighbour, and friend) dispelled, when I admitted defeat, and asked for his help. I started by saying that, hundreds of years ago, I was the sort of person whom the Church would have burnt at the stake, because I had medium-ship skills. His eyes nearly popped out of his head, and he laughed, but when I explained what was going on, he began to join the dots, and was incredibly non-judgmental.

Amongst other things, I had experienced a type of (for lack of a better word) Nazi in our house. The man wore a long, black leather coat, uniform and hat, and seemed to come into the house from the East. I often felt him, and psychically saw him, near to the downstairs bathroom, where I had often seen the ghost of a little boy. The man was very arrogant and evil, and mocked me when I tried to get him to go away using a powerful wand and staff for protection. Admittedly, I was suffering from lack of sleep as my daughter never slept through the night until she was three and a half years old, but lack of sleep alters one’s perception. It is used as a method of torture, but it also initiates visions. Not only was I doolally, I was also desperately trying to protect my daughter.

A few days before the Priest came into my house, a letter arrived addressed to a German person. I researched the surname, and freaked out. There was a notorious Nazi from the second World War with this surname. Never did I assume that the previous occupants to our house had been like-minded, but I received this piece of information as a wake-up call. (To this day, I do not know if there was even any connection between the previous occupants and the presence in our house. At the time, I did not need to know, I just wanted him gone.)

Father K (I won’t give his actual name) however, knew that I was picking-up on something, and he said to me,  just because I was seeing things that no one else saw – that didn’t mean those things weren’t there. This was a point of personal liberation for me. To be accepted, and forgiven. I had never spoken to anyone of Christian authority about my experiences for fear: Fear of being labelled a witch, fear of being persecuted, of being hated, fear of being feared.

Dressed in his clergy gear, and with his book of rituals, my husband and I joined the Priest on the floor of the living room for prayer. Then he walked round the whole house, sprinkled holy water, and prayed in every room. I finally felt safe.

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